DK2022: Discussions with no filters, future of business, digital ecosystem, young talents, stress relief and awarding the best

Dani Komunikacija

Ready or Not, Here Comes the Metaverse; Fuck Privacy. Love Privacy; Off with Sexism. On with Diversity – this is just a taste of what you can expect at DK2022, while the amazing festival program will reach its height at the glamorous award shows where we celebrate the best of our industry.

The sense of excitement and anticipation for DK festival is palpable – from 31 March to 3 April 2022 in design hotel Lone the national communications festival will become the home to world-class creatives and communicators, who will share their insights with the DK audience. The official program is full of intriguing panel discussions as well as less formal discussions where the best Croatian communicators will share what they love and hate about the communications industry.

It is a known fact that the attendees of our festival are not passive observers. The DK community is famous for its uncompromising expression of various perspectives and sharing valuable insights, no matter their role at the festival. This is especially true when it comes to hearing great talks and amazing speakers, something we have lots of this year. If we don’t have time to discuss everything at the panel discussions, we can continue later on, just find me at the beach stream. And yes, the digital community is still a cult! – said Damir Ciglar, Member of the DK festival Organising Committee.

Everyone’s favourite segment Post Program Pint, powered by Ožujsko Legendarno pivo, will inspire friendly discussions with no filters in an informal setting of hotel Lone as well as the hotel’s green terrace where you can soak up the warm Rovinj sunshine. On the first day of the festival you can listen to Brief Almighty, a panel moderated by Kristina Laco (Komunikacijski ured Colić, Laco i partneri), Member of the HURA Board, who will be joined by Vanja Bertalan (Human / HURA), Davor Bruketa (Bruketa&Žinić&Grey) and Marina Burazer (Fortenova grupa). The second day is reserved for a discussion on finding new talents titled Diverse Minds, led by Rajna Cuculić (GroupM), Member of the HURA Board, with Ivan Hrvoje Josipović (Ernst & Young), Fran Mubrin (404), Jadranka Sakoman (Zagrebačka pivovara) and Vanja Bertalan. The third day will focus on all things money at a panel discussion Money, Money, Money by IAB Croatia, where the moderator Antonija Mandić (also the Main Hall host) will be talking with Jozo Džakula (Konzum), Ante Šalinović (Ipsos) and Nikola Vrdoljak (404).

Photo: Matija Habljak/PIXSELL

DSA (Digital Services Act) is going to change everything we know about our online ecosystem – so learn how to be ready for more transparency online at the Fuck Privacy. Love Privacy., powered by IAB Croatia, panel, moderated by Alen Delić (SpotMe), who will be joined by Petra Bašić Jantolić (Addiko Bank), Mario Frančešević (SeekandHit), Monika Majstorović (A1 Hrvatska) and Nenad Milić (IAB Serbia). You can also broaden your knowledge about the future of the internet at the panel called [Spark the Conversation] Ready or Not, Here Comes the Metaverse by IAB Croatia, powered by HEP, with the moderator Davor Bruketa and panellists Branka Bajt (Hrvatski Telekom), Matej Lončarić (JoomBoos & miss7, 24sata) and Vjeko Srednoselec (dentsu Croatia). The internet and market communications have a major impact on children, which is a topic of Digital Marketing and Children – Trick or Threat?, powered by UNICEF, a panel discussion moderated by Nataša Krstić (UNICEF), who will exchange insights with Iva Ančić (A1 Hrvatska) and Damir Ciglar (Imago Ogilvy).

What can brands do to increase diversity – the answers will be found at the [Spark the Conversation] Off with Sexism. On with Diversity., powered by HEP, panel led by Paula Baburić (Publicis), with Božidar Abramović (Omnicom Media Group), Jelena Fiškuš (Studio Sonda), Maja Ljubičić (Philip Morris Zagreb) and Filipa Petrović (Dell Technologies). Companies’ future relies on their ability and willingness to go green, so find out more at the panel titled The Model of the Future: Sustainable Business, powered by HGK, moderated by Manuela Šola (Komunikacijski laboratorij) and joined by Neli Angelova (Nestlé), Marina Burazer (Fortenova grupa) and Teuta Duletić (Lürssen Design Center Kvarner). All communicators will surely find the Crisis Communication in Practice, powered by HUOJ, panel interesting and relevant, so listen to the expert group consisting of the moderator Mario Aunedi Medek (Media Val), Chairman of HUOJ, and panellists Kristina Laco (Komunikacijski ured Colić, Laco i partneri / HURA), Božo Skoko (Millenium promocija) and Marina Bolanča Radunović (Abeceda komunikacije).

Lost Wisdom – Short Stories From Media Planning, powered by Ascanius Media, with Martin Koprek (Ascanius Media) will provide useful insights on media planning based on real-life examples, while the Can We Make an Airbnb For Cars?, powered by Neostar, presentation by Dimitrije Trbović  and Denis Tepša (Neostar) will reveal how to go from an initial and unconventional idea to reshaping the automotive industry. You wouldn’t want to miss the presentation Tracking Origin of the Food for Thought, powered by Algebra, where Leo Mršić and Maja Brkljačić from AlgebraLAB will explain how to navigate the world of disinformation – and not drink disinfectant.

Photo: Igor Soban/PIXSELL

What would DK festival be without celebrating the best of our industry? At DK2022 HUOJ will present the winners of the Grand PRix 2021, while Marketing Magazin and the moderator Karolina Marolt in their B-report will showcase the best projects awarded at national, regional, European and global industry competitions. Ideas that work will give an insight into this year’s Effie Awards Croatia winners and in the evening the whole community will  show off their best looks, pop confetti and cheer for the winners of prestigious award shows, hosted by Ida Prester: on Friday we will find out the winners of Effie and MIXX, while on Saturday we celebrate the recipients of IdejaX 2022 awards and give out their trophies to Young Lions Croatia winners.

To prepare for the stress of giving victory speeches, or relax after them, you can unwind at yoga sessions at sunrise or sunset in a gorgeous ambience with a combination of relaxing exercises and meditation. The relaxation does not stop there; when you want to take a break from the Main Hall but still follow the inspiring talks, just come down to the beautiful Lone beach and listen to your favourite speakers and relaxing sounds of the Adriatic Sea at the same time! If you’re more of a lush greenery type of a person, head to the hotel courtyard to watch the talks while lying in cosy lazy bags under the beautiful blue sky.

Photo: Matija Habljak/PIXSELL

Find the complete schedule here.

Featured image: Matija Habljak/PIXSELL

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And the Young Lions Croatia Grand Prix goes to... Ivana Krmpotić and Ana Marija Tomašić from 404 agency!