Life before the pandemics. Life after the pandemics. What does the new normal in communications actually look like? You would usually find the answers to similar questions in Rovinj, but this year you won’t have to wait until October. For the first time ever we are bringing DK festival to your home office.
Marian Salzman has had many impressive epithets attached to her name by leading public relations media. This amazing PR trendspotter has been named the Top Woman in PR by PR News, she has been inducted into the PRWeek Hall of Femme, she is one of the faces of PRWeek Global Power Book – but why she is considered one of the best communicators in the world is a question that will be answered live at the first edition of DK Talks, this Thursday at 3 PM on the DK festival Facebook page.
Marian is currently a Senior Vice President of Global Communications at Philip Morris International, where she and her team are shifting the market towards a smoke-free future. Throughout her career she has earned many professional achievements – it is said that her mind can produce a hundred fantastic ideas a minute. Just imagine what she could do in 30 minutes. Have your pen and paper ready and join the first edition of DK Talks on Strange Days for Communicators – and the World.
During the talk you will learn everything you need to know about leadership and the importance of communication in crisis. There will also be a discussion moderated by Antonija Mandić, which is your moment to shine and ask Marian everything you wouldn’t normally dare ask. Everything important will fit into only 30 minutes – because time is money.
As the organizers of DK festival, that was affected by the crisis, we want to continue to support the industry by doing what we know best – sharing knowledge. This is why DK Talks is completely free for everyone who wishes to join the educational talk, held on 7 May at 3 PM on the DK festival Facebook page.